Monday, April 24, 2017

Sentinel-2 Dashboard: Acquisition and Analysing Sentinel-2 Metadata in a Web-Tool

suggested by: Martin Sudmanns, Dirk Tiede

The first of two Sentinel 2 Satellites (Sentinel 2A and Sentinel 2B) was launched in summer 2015, the second in Spring 2017. They are continuously collecting data from the Earth’s surface. Not only the data, but also the metadata are interesting, e.g., to analyse whether the spatiotemporal coverage is equally distributed or for which area the acquisition of cloud-free images is good enough to perform specific tasks.
Currently, for their projects, most researchers rely on theoretical coverage information provided by data providers (e.g., knowing that the temporal coverage should be every 5 days, not considering cloud cover or acquisition plans) or expert estimations (e.g., assuming the feasibility by estimating the average cloud cover of a study area, not considering historic data of the actual cloud cover). These examples can be expanded based on all available metadata, including, but not limited to: time between acquisition and processing, number of images per study area, average days between cloud free images, etc. The rationale is that reliable information of the actual performance is usually not systematically considered and analysed.

Short description
We harvest the metadata of all Sentinel-2 images and store it in a PostgreSQL database. It serves as backend for a web-based tool (Sentinel-2 Dashboard), which allows users to visualise and analyse the metadata.
The first part of the Master thesis focuses on the improvement of the Dashboard, allowing to analyse aggregated statistics on a per-footprint (granule) basis in a web map and in infographics. Furthermore, it visualises Sentinel-2 acquisition plans, current Satellite positions. Several improvements are possible, e.g., generate statistics on user-defined areas, observing the values of a location (configuring alarm using geofences) or querying common overlapping areas of Sentinel-1/2/3 and Landsat 8. Students are encouraged to bring in their own ideas.
The second part is focusing on the possible and useful scientific analyses of the metadata and to draw conclusions from the past 3 years of Sentinel 2 data acquisition and a discussion on further developments.

Suggested reading

  • Ju, J., Roy, D.P., 2008. The availability of cloud-free Landsat ETM+ data over the conterminous United States and globally. Remote Sens. Environ. 112, 1196–1211. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2007.08.011
  • Drusch, M., Del Bello, U., Carlier, S., Colin, O., Fernandez, V., Gascon, F., Hoersch, B., Isola, C., Laberinti, P., Martimort, P., Meygret, A., Spoto, F., Sy, O., Marchese, F., Bargellini, P., 2012. Sentinel-2: ESA’s Optical High-Resolution Mission for GMES Operational Services. Remote Sens. Environ. 120, 25–36. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.11.026

Anytime; Asap.

Javascript/OpenLayers or Leaflet++
PostgreSQL++ Python+

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